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Heavy-duty trucks that are heavier than 10 thousand pounds must receive a DOT inspection certification on an annual basis. Fortunately, we here at Impulse Repair offer great DOT inspection services at both the Federal and Provincial levels. Call today to book an appointment.
Contact UsStaying compliant with the DOT’s rules and regulations makes running your business easy. Failing to do so means you risk getting your truck sidelined, and you may even get in legal trouble. Fortunately, our DOT inspection services here at Impulse Repairs are designed to make sure your truck meets all of the DOT’s rules and regulations. We’ll inspect everything and give you a run down on what will pass and what won’t.
On the day of your appointment, the first thing we’ll do is inspect your paperwork. This includes your licenses, registration, and all other pertinent paperwork. Afterward, one of our technicians will comb over your heavy-duty with a fine toothcomb to ensure you meet each one of the DOT’s rules and regulations. If your truck has been well maintained, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. If you pass the inspection, you’ll receive all of the necessary paperwork and certifications. In the event that your truck fails the inspection, you’ll be given a detailed report and access to our vast array of repair services.
The DOT inspection covers anything that affects the safety of you and others on the road. This includes your air brake system, steering, lighting systems, cargo securement infrastructure, suspension, and other major components. For a full rundown of what our DOT inspection services cover, feel free to give us a call.
To book an appointment for a DOT inspection, give Impulse Repairs a call today!